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Our Business

We’re truly New Brunswick’s Power company. We work hard every single day to provide consistent, safe, reliable and sustainable energy at the lowest possible cost. Why? Because we’re New Brunswickers too.

The electricity we use to power our homes, businesses and facilities is generated at 13 stations throughout the province. It reaches us through power lines, substations and terminals. That’s more than 400,000 direct and indirect customers. We also export (sell) electricity to New England, Quebec, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island through our subsidiary, New Brunswick Energy Marketing. Selling extra electricity helps keep the costs down. And that’s good for all New Brunswickers.

Customer Service

We take great pride in delivering safe, reliable and reasonably priced energy to you because we want you to have the best experience possible with us. So any questions or concerns you might have are handled by our friendly and knowledgeable customer service team. Live or online, we’ll do our best to help you in any way we can.

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We’re proud to say NB Power operates and maintains one of North America's most diverse generating systems consisting of 12 hydro, coal, oil and diesel-powered generating stations that can pump out upwards of 3,799 MW or power. Generation from these stations supply approximately 75% of the power needed by New Brunswickers everyday. These powerful stations also have the capacity to export energy to our neighbours in New England, Quebec, Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia.

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New Brunswick Energy Marketing Corporation

A wholly-owned subsidiary of NB Power, New Brunswick Energy Marketing Corporation conducts energy trading activities in markets outside of New Brunswick, purchases electricity to meet demand in and outside New Brunswick and sells excess energy generated in New Brunswick.

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Nuclear Power

The Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station is home to the only nuclear facility in Atlantic Canada. This state of the art facility provides approximately 25% of New Brunswick's electrical energy requirements. It also sells 5% of the energy it generates to the Maritime Electric Company Ltd. on Prince Edward Island.

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Transmission & System Operator

We maintain and operate 49 terminals and switchyards that are interconnected by over 6,849 km of transmission lines ranging in voltage from 69 kV to 345 kV. The system is interconnected with electrical systems in Quebec, Maine, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. It has the capacity to export over 2,000 MW and import up to 2,378 MW of electricity.

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